The Games Queen

The Games Queen

Game Tutorials

Junk Art Instructions

Junk Art is a creative and dexterity-based board game where players use various wooden pieces to build sculptures and compete for points. The rules can vary slightly depending on the version or variant you’re playing, as there are different editions and expansions of the game.


  • A set of wooden junk art pieces
  • A game board 
  • Cards 
  • Tokens 
  • A rulebook


  1. Place the game board in the center of the table if included in your edition. The board may provide different challenges and rules for each round.

  2. Depending on the version you’re playing, you might have cards or tokens that provide additional rules or objectives. If you have these, shuffle the cards or place the tokens nearby.

  3. Each player or team selects a set of wooden pieces. These are the components you’ll use to build your sculptures.


  1. Junk Art is typically played in a series of rounds, with each round featuring a different challenge or rule. The rules may be defined by the game board, cards, or tokens.

  2. The first player (or team) is the “active player.” They choose one of their wooden pieces and place it on the play area to start building their sculpture. The piece must be touching the table (or another previously placed piece) and may not extend beyond the edge of the table.

  3. The next player clockwise (or the next team) takes their turn, following the same rules. Each player must add a piece to the sculpture.

  4. Players continue taking turns in clockwise order until the round ends. The round may end when all players have placed a certain number of pieces, when a specific condition is met, or when a card or token instructs you to end the round.

  5. After the round ends, players score points based on the challenge or rule for that round. Points can be awarded for various criteria, such as the height of your sculpture, the stability of your structure, or other specific objectives.

  6. The game typically consists of several rounds, each with different rules and challenges. The player or team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Winning the Game:

The player or team with the most points at the end of the predetermined number of rounds or when a certain point threshold is reached is declared the winner.

Remember that “Junk Art” is known for its creative and often humorous gameplay, as well as the unique sculptures players create. Be prepared for lots of laughter and fun as you and your fellow players build and stack your junk art pieces to meet the challenges of each round. Enjoy the creative process!

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